Ram Puniyani The campus of Nalnda was inaugurated formally by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 19th June (2024) in presence of Ambassadors of many...
New World Order : In recent years, the geopolitical landscape has been undergoing significant changes. At the forefront of this shift are Russia and China, two...
Discover the harrowing story of the Romani genocide during Nazi Germany. Learn about the Nuremberg Laws, mass arrests, and the tragic loss of 2.5 million Romani...
Lucknow Minority Congress State President Shahnawaz Alam has termed the exemption from arrest granted to senior Karnataka BJP leader BS Yediyurappa by Karnataka High Court Judge...
Reasons for the Popularity of Penis Sleeves in India: Improvement in Sexual Health and Performance: Discover why penis sleeves are gaining popularity in India, including...
Facing the possibility of a military confrontation with China, the US plans to shift significant military resources from Europe to Asia, seeking support from NATO allies...