The Toronto Film Festival, running from September 6 to 15, is hosting the promotion of the film The Bibi Files tonight. This film sheds light on...
The leaders, who are being given responsibilities have worked closely with former U.P. Congress incharge Priyanka Gandhi Vadra; the new team of All India Congress Committee...
SHOBHA SHUKLA – CNS PutPeopleFirst : Transformative empowerment is mostly not given by ‘experts from the outside,’ but happens when the most affected people themselves rise...
-राम पुनियानी Electoral strategies of RSS ” भाजपा के लिए सन 2024 के लोकसभा चुनाव के नतीजे निराशाजनक रहे. लोकसभा में उसके सदस्यों की संख्या 303...
SHOBHA SHUKLA – CNS .. So goes the theme of the 4th Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF) which will be held in Chiang Mai in northern...
Middle East Conflict : Today, we’ll first explore the key aspects and outcomes of the ongoing war in the Middle East and Russia. Following that, we’ll...