zionism-vs-judaism : Zionists are today’s Nazis; their hearts are filled with pure evil.

zionism-vs-judaism :  Dive into the intricacies of the Satmar Community’s unwavering anti-Zionist stance, debunking myths and exposing Theodor Herzl’s controversial influence. Explore the clash between Zionism and Judaism, revealing critical insights on this age-old debate within the Jewish community


Zionism is a political ideology invented by a perverted man named Theodor Herzl, an enemy of humanity.

Zionism is never Judaism. Zionists are trying to distort Judaism in order to take over Judaism and replace it with their religion called Zionism. The whole world needs to fight against these genociders, murderers, enemies of humanity, thieves and liars.


zionism-vs-judaism Zionists are today's Nazis; their hearts are filled with pure evil (5)


Unveiling the Truth: Debunking Misinformation About the Satmar Community’s Stance on Zionism and Israel

Zionists have recently been trying to infiltrate the Satmar community and spread the lie that the Satmar community supports Israel.

Don’t believe the lying Zionists. The Satmar community has been fighting against Zionists and Israel since its founding and will never accept Zionism. An important statement about the Satmar community, which is anti-Zionism and anti-Israel.


Who is the Satmar Community and what does it represent?

Satmar is the largest Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Community in the United States. It is located in the tri-state area of ​​New York. He has 100,000 followers.

Satmar society wants to live in peace with all its Muslim and Christian neighbors. The Satmar community has always resisted Zionist attempts to drive distance between Jews and Muslims.


The Satmar Community believes that associating Jews with Israel and all Jews in America and everywhere with Zionism is unjust and dangerous, increases antisemitism, and destroys peace.

The Satmar community strives to reduce tensions and establish peace in the Holy Land and to prevent bloodshed between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land.


zionism-vs-judaism Zionists are today's Nazis; their hearts are filled with pure evil (5)


Plainclothes Israeli police officers attack anti-Zionist Jews.

If you are a religious Jew in Jerusalem or a Jew who supports Palestine and opposes Zionism and protests against Israel, what will happen to you is to be arrested, beaten and harassed.


Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro:
Muslims are not enemies of Jews. For years, Muslims and Jews lived in peace.
The problem is Zionism and Israel.
The biggest enemies of the Jews are Zionism and Israel.
Zionists want to destroy Judaism and replace it with a new religion.
That’s why they are trying to distort Judaism.


The Israeli Government does NOT represent the Jewish people.

Critical points to remember!

Israel is NOT our political nation-state
Jews are a religion belonging to many nationalities
Zionism is the diametric opposite of Judaism


Plainclothes Israeli police officers attack anti-Zionist Jews.
If you are a religious Jew in Jerusalem or a Jew who supports Palestine and opposes Zionism and protests against Israel, what will happen to you is to be arrested, beaten and harassed.


zionism-vs-judaism Zionists are today's Nazis; their hearts are filled with pure evil (5)


Zionists want to eliminate Judaism and replace it with their own religion called Zionism. Non-religious ideas called Zionism are the religion of Zionists. Zionists are not Jews at all.
Zionists are trying to make us forget Judaism and the Torah, just like the Greeks tried about two thousand years ago, but Zionists, like the Greeks, will never succeed because G-d is with us.


Zionism is the new Nazism, this is the real definition of Zionism, Zionism is never Judaism.

Zionists are definitely not Jews. Zionists invented a new religion called Zionism to take over and destroy Judaism. Later, they distorted the Jewish religion, confiscated everything sacred about Judaism and called it Zionism.


The Intricate Relationship Between Zionism and Antisemitism: Unveiling Theodor Herzl’s Controversial Tactics

“The ideology called Zionism was invented in Europe by a pervert named Theodor Herzl, who did not even believe in Judaism.

Theodor Herzl’s aim was to distort the religion of Judaism and replace Judaism with Zionism. Torah Jews strongly opposed this ideology when it emerged. Jewish Rabbis fought against Zionism in every possible way. When the Zionists realized that the Jews were against them, they did their best to suppress Jewish opposition.


When the Zionists could not get the support they expected from the Jews, they contacted moneylenders who claimed to be Jews and the rich people of America and Europe, told them about Zionism, and they immediately adopted this idea. But there was a big problem, the name of that problem was Judaism and Torah Jews.


Jews were fighting against these Zionists whenever they had the opportunity. This Jewish opposition was the biggest obstacle to Zionism. Zionists wanted to establish a state. The aim of this state was to bring all Jews together. But this was a big lie, the zionists wanted to use Judaism to establish a Zionist state.


Zionists knew very well that the Jews were against the establishment of a state.
Because there were 3 oaths and the Jews could not break this oath.
Zionists knew very well that the Jews were against the establishment of a state.
Because there were 3 oaths and the Jews could not break this oath.


zionism-vs-judaism Zionists are today's Nazis; their hearts are filled with pure evil (5)


The Talmud says: Kesubos 111a
The Almighty decreed upon the Jews to undertake 3 oaths: 1. Not to go up en masse, by force, to the Holy Land. 2. Not to rebel against the ruling nations of the time. 3. Not to, in any way, attempt to end the exile.

The Talmud warns the Jews that if they do not abide by the 3 oaths mentioned above, G-d Almighty will turn away from the Jews and throw our meat into the fields like animals.


Zionists continued to pursue their dream of establishing a state until the World War, and each time they pressured the Jews to accept this idea, but they did not get what they expected.

Even when the World War broke out and Nazi Germany targeted the Jews, Zionist organizations dreamed of establishing a state instead of thinking about the Jews.


While Jews were sent to camps by the Nazis, Zionist organizations made no effort to save the Jews.

Zionist organizations in America chose to use this genocide that happened to the Jews to establish their own state.

The name of the road to the Zionist state is Antisemitism.

Instead of helping the Jews, Zionists saw the Holocaust as an opportunity to establish a state and preferred to forget the Jews in the death camps.


American Zionists were very rich and could have used this wealth for the Jews, but instead of doing this, they were trying to establish a state.

So why did the Zionists not help the Jews? How can this be explained with Antisemitism?

Anti-Semitism is the virtual oxygen, the force that has powered – and continues to drive – the State of Israel since Theodore Herzl (the founder of modern Zionism) recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate State for. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained,


Yemen’s Ansarullah Houthis today attacked the American ship with missiles and drones.


“We must, above all, make it an international political issue.” Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish Question.” In his “Diaries,” pg. 19, Herzl stated “Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

As can be seen, Theodor Herzl admits how they used antisemitism as a weapon.”


When the messiah comes, will you become Zionists too?

Your question is based on a mistaken premise about the meaning of the messiah and the Jewish conception of the messianic world. You are assuming the messiah will be a Jewish leader who leads the Jews to statehood and forces the non-Jews to comply – similar to Zionism.


However, the true Jewish concept of the messiah is that he will be a spiritual leader who will inspire all Jews to follow the Torah and bring G-d’s message to all Mankind. The world will become a spiritual place, and all the nations of the world will worship G-d together with one heart. There will be no wars; no nation will oppress any other. All will form one organization to do the will of G-d wholeheartedly.


“For then I will change the nations to a clear speech, that all of them will call in the name of G-d, to serve Him with one shoulder.” (Zephaniah 3:9) “The earth will be full of the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)


Khan Younis Hospital was stretched by an influx of patients as Israel bombarded Gaza


“And it shall come to pass in the end of days, that the mountain of the House of G-d will be established as the greatest of mountains, higher than all the hills, and all the nations will stream to it. Many nations will come and they will say, ‘Let us ascend to the mountain of G-d, to the house of the G-d of Jacob, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His paths, for from Zion Torah will emerge, and the word of G-d from Jerusalem. And he will judge between the nations, and give rebuke to many peoples, and they will beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:2-4)


And the prayer Aleinu, recited by Jews three times a day, says as follows:

Therefore we put our hope in You, L-rd our G-d, to soon see the glory of Your strength, to remove all idols from the Earth, and to completely cut off all false gods; to repair the world, Your holy empire, and for all living flesh to call Your name, and for all the wicked of the Earth to turn to You. May all the world’s inhabitants recognize and know that to You every knee must bend and every tongue must swear loyalty. Before You, L-rd, our G-d, may all bow down, and give honor to Your precious name, and may all take upon themselves the yoke of Your rule. And may You reign over them soon and forever and always. Because all rule is Yours alone, and You will rule in honor forever and ever, as it is written in Your Torah: “The L-rd will reign forever and ever.” And it is said: “The L-rd will be King over the whole Earth; on that day, the L-rd will be One, and His name will be One.”


This is what we are waiting for. We are not permitted to do anything with our own hands to go up from the Exile; everything that will be done will be done by G-d Himself. It will happen with the complete agreement and joy of all nations. It will not be forced upon them, and no land will be stolen from them.


These events will take place at a time that G-d alone will determine. The Talmud teaches that we are not even supposed to try to guess or calculate (based on Biblical verses) when that time will come.


Likewise, our belief about the future of the Temple Mount is based on the verses of the Bible. When the redemption of the world takes place, a pre-built Temple will come down in fire from heaven. “And I will be for it a wall of fire all around, and for honor I will be within it.” (Zechariah 2:9) And in the Talmud, Bava Kama 60b we read: “He that lighted the fire shall surely pay. Said the Holy One, blessed is He: I burned a fire in Zion and I will build it in fire. A similar statement appears in the prayerbook: “For You, G-d, lit it on fire, and You will one day build it in fire.” All nations will agree to the establishment of this heavenly Temple, and all will come to worship G-d there.

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