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What is the religion of TikTok star Sofia Ansari?
How can Sofia Ansari’s parents object to her exposing videos? Or is he against his parents?
I think you should hear her parents looking at her choice of lifestyle and their acceptance. But if I have to think I belong to a traditional family myself, and have been given permission to wear what I think is revealing but in line with this generation and style …
I would say maybe Sofia Ansari’s parents understand her fame and the reasons why she dresses or presents herself in a certain way and maybe have an open mind.
Who is Sofia Ansari, and why is she suddenly trending all over the place?
Who is Sofia Ansari, and why is she gaining popularity on Instagram and YouTube?
Who is Sophia Ansari?
Why does Sofia Ansari take to the social network?
Where does social media broadcaster Sofia Ansari come from?
What was the most shocking truth about Sofia Ansari?
For example some of the clothes I wear I would actually ask my mom, ‘does this look too revealing?’ Perhaps it has been discussed with Sofia Ansari’s parents and there are limits to this agreed behavior? And he’s 24 he’s technically an adult maybe his parents are happy but they don’t have a word maybe he’s arguing with them …
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If you maintain a respectful private life within the family but you have a popular social media account and these are the clothes you wear and videos you make in your 20s does that mean you are bringing shame on his family? I think being a girl in a traditional culture in a developing society is very difficult… We are expected to adhere to the traditional social norms of the Globalized world, it is not easy or psychologically easy to measure these two… Sofia Ansari
And why are there family and traditional people looking at her social media? Sometimes it is okay to allow older adults their right to express themselves maybe Sofia Ansari’s parents do not care about his social media because they trust him?…. In the end it all depends on speculation… but I will say this – most traditional families allow women to be more developed and better than security in this world.
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I do not see why we are expected to raise families, have jobs and adapt to the work done by the world and the social environment and we are expected to do it in a ‘seemingly’ decent ‘way even if that has nothing to do with good deeds. and the religious practices we practice in our homes, many honorable people have a very dignified relationship look at Shilpa Shetty’s husband as an example … are you as honorable as the image you hid behind you ??
I hope Sofia Ansari looks back one day when she was definitely growing up, getting married and having children … always holding on to her cultural beliefs and laughing at all the other women who have been barred from what cultural practices should ‘look like’, sticking to watching others over the age of 20 because of culture and having issues or wanting attention after their children have left because they have a problem with not being able to live in their youth… all this is because of what was accepted in some cultures. people who were too old to understand the pressures of our generation?
I think you should be aware that just because some people follow the rules in public does not mean that they automatically maintain Sofia Ansari’s culture and respect… especially in this kind of world we live in. I will raise my children in a Hindu way if they are, If they are girls I will allow them to express their feelings enough to know where their boundaries are. Our young people will not understand what it is like to follow a single culture due to Globalization and popular culture and to be a parent and to expect that from them is selfish…. For parents who will punish or humiliate their children it is best to be prepared to deal with the intense pain and suffering their children experience later in life.
Sofia Ansari’s
Sometimes we push ourselves so badly in the name of our culture that we do not know what to do when we are given freedom or no one is watching… it leads to temptation and despair and I hope my children do not lose hope and fools because I hid in life to be tempted years ago.
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