There is nothing wrong with your child
Most of the time, extrov is recommended for group life, but that doesn’t mean the presentations have nothing to offer. In fact, there is actually no such thing as a favorite of kindness. Many shy children grow up to be people who think before they speak and who see situations before they enter. Those are good qualities that should be cultivated, not stamped.
Embarrassed children need time to relax in a new environment, especially since they often feel comfortable with their immediate caregivers. They are also familiar creatures and play with the same toys. When introducing your baby to new experiences with people, it is important that you take your time. They may need more time to adjust to the new environment, and scheduling activities such as a visit to the school or a meeting with the teacher can be helpful. Prepare your child for what he or she can expect from this new experience.
They need consistency
Shy young children often need consistency in their lives, whether they stick to their daily routine or wear their favorite shoes. Sometimes making them feel comfortable trying new things can lead to stress and crying, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to try new things. Just know that this may not be the case immediately, and that consistency is key.
You may feel the need to dive in to protect your shy child and protect him or her from new experiences and people where possible. However, while your intentions are good, you may be hurting yourself more than helping. Instead, encourage your child to try new things. Even if they get angry, stay positive and gentle, and continue to encourage them.
Avoid Shame and Label
It’s important to remember that labels like “shy” can sometimes hurt kids, so be sure to avoid using these words, especially in a derogatory way. Telling them things like “stop being so shy” and “I wish you weren’t so quiet in public” can make them go back to their shells even more and it can affect their emotional growth. Make sure you let your drunk child warm up that there is nothing wrong with it and that you are there to support him or her.