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How to make rice puller, anti iron with red sulphur, white phosphorus, OMG transformer oil?
What process takes place when red Sulphur, white phosphorus, OMG transformer oil are mixed?
There are many videos on social media, in which it is said to use red sulphur, white phosphorus and transformer oil to make anti iron, rice puller.
Let’s see today what happens when these three chemicals are mixed.
Mixing red sulfur, white phosphorus, and transformer oil can be a dangerous and potentially explosive combination. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix these chemicals together.
Red sulfur is a highly reactive form of sulfur that can undergo combustion or explosive reactions when exposed to heat or other reactive materials. White phosphorus is also a highly reactive and flammable material that can ignite spontaneously in air. Transformer oil is a petroleum-based oil used as an insulating material in electrical transformers, and is typically not reactive with sulfur or phosphorus.
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If these chemicals were to be mixed, they could react in unpredictable and potentially hazardous ways. For example, white phosphorus could react with the sulfur to form phosphorus sulfides, which can release toxic and flammable gases. Alternatively, the mixture could ignite or explode due to the high reactivity of the sulfur and phosphorus.
Therefore, it is important to handle these chemicals separately and with appropriate safety precautions, and to avoid mixing them without proper training and equipment.
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