How can you register to vote in India?

How can you register to vote in India?
Usually it is easy and fast a few months before the election and you can even enlist the help of any political party.
You need to fill up Form 6, which can be accessed by starting from the following link,
How can you register to vote in India

And fill in the details on the form and submit a hard copy to the Electoral Registration Officer of the Assembly constituency where you live. Then your application will be processed and if all the details are filled in correctly, you will get the voter. ID and you are registered as a voter.

The Electoral Registration Officer is usually the Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) for the place where you live. But this can vary to some extent depending on the location and the state. Check the website of the Chief Electoral Officer / Electoral Commission of your state to know the details of those officers.
Form 6 can also be found at the office of the RDO / MRO / Municipal Commissioner / Nagar Panchayat Commissioner.

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