Do Islam allow women to work in a company as the assistant of Man employee?
Before a Muslim woman seeks a job, she should carefully consider all her options and be prepared for the inevitable challenges.
Every day, many Muslim women face the challenge of working in a non-Muslim environment: a male worker contributes his hand at admission, some employees begin to discuss the secret aspects of their lives at lunch, an invitation sent to all employees to meet at a nearby restaurant, party hall or local bar; someone makes a joke about Hijab or Salah (Prayer). These are just some of the many situations a woman may face as she strives to maintain not only her job, but, more important, her Islam.
All the women who have been exposed to work at some point in their lives can fully understand the myriad of reasons why working outside the home is a big problem, especially for Muslim women. There are many differences in work and our Islamic value system.
There are good reasons why sexual harassment laws are enacted in the workplace in America, and that is because it happens, and often. In addition, women should be aware that rules can do little to discourage them, after which you are left alone.
What is the Islamic view of women and work? What guidelines should be followed when a woman works? What other strategies can work to help him maintain the values and morals of Muslims?
The most important role for a woman is the mother. This special role that Allah, the Almighty, has done for him, gives him honor and respect in Islam. Where do you play this role? Naturally, in his home. Allah, the Almighty, says (what it means): “Dwell in your houses and do not pretend to be as it was in the past.” [Quran 33:33]
This does not mean that a woman is a prisoner in her home, but only that she should have a good reason (to meet her basic needs) to get out, to avoid any misery, temptation, or temptation that may arise from mixing between men and women.
A woman should not work in a non-Muslim environment unless there is a compelling reason for her to do so. Allah, the Almighty, has not allowed women to work, but He has provided many ways to protect women, which greatly affects who you contact, how, and with whom. He should give serious thought to his expenses and benefits, as well as the impact on his ability to perform his primary duties, before taking on a job. There are many situations that may require a woman to work, such as meeting the family’s financial needs or meeting the needs of the community (doctors, midwives, teachers).
There are several clear guidelines that must be followed if a woman is to work
First, she should get permission from her guardian or her husband (if married), who can give a broad view of how her work might affect the family and their performance.
Second, a woman must make sure that her home and children are properly cared for. Her husband can help out in this area, or hire outside help.
Thirdly, care must be taken in order to select a suitable and appropriate job. Obviously, any activity related to prohibited activities, services, or products will not be permitted but there is a world of opportunities available.
Of course, any job that prevents him from fulfilling any of his Islamic obligations, such as a Muslim dress code (like Hijab et.,) Or Prayer, is not an option to consider.
Fifth, while at work, a woman should keep her modesty inward and outward and chaste.
There is a growing and growing need for Muslim women in various fields of medicine, education, assisting in activities such as social work, counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric care, and child care. With the growth of technical and communication skills, there are endless opportunities for women to do some kind of work or home business (such as secretarial and typing; writing, editing, publishing; computer work, etc.). This could be a good situation that will take away a lot of the anxiety that can arise from working women.
Maintaining a Muslim foundation
This common concern for women working outside the home should be taken very seriously. Women must be careful that the profession they choose does not lead them to cross the borders of Islam.
Fedwa is a successful computer programmer at a large university who understands the dangers of working in a non-Muslim environment. He knows that if he is not careful, others can begin to influence him. When he started working, he would go to lunch with other employees, but he soon discovered that most of the time was spent in vain talk and discussion about forbidden things (e.g., boyfriends, drinking). He has decided that his main concern is to avoid these lunches altogether, so that there is no bond between him and his co-workers. This kind of influence is subtle, so much so that a sister may not even realize that she has fallen into a trap. Frequently listening to inappropriate conversations may cause a sister to feel inferior and thus forget about proper conduct.
Another sister, Layla, had a similar experience. Layla is the HMO’s Dental Clerk Clerk who also decided to stop living with colleagues during lunch. She and three other Muslim sisters in the same company made a good plan to keep their identity while having fun at the same time. Every Friday, the sisters offer Thuhr (afternoon prayer) together in the conference room, followed by lunch. At lunchtime, they learn about Islam in a private halqah (Islamic study group).
Layla also discussed her struggle to wear the Hijab. When she first became a Muslim, she thought of not wearing the Hijab for a job interview for fear that employers might react negatively,
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