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Palestine’s ruler controls the world order || How to ? Know More



Today, we will shed light on a concept deeply rooted in ancient Arab civilization, the belief that control over the land of Palestine equates to dominance on a global scale. This notion was introduced to us by a Lebanese Christian acquaintance two decades ago, and it remains a subject of debate, both in its veracity and extent.


The history of this belief can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian civilization, where the Sun and Shiva were revered as paramount deities. Egypt once exerted its dominion over the region known as Palestine, or Canaan, and the broader area of Sham before 1500 BCE. Notably, Punt, which is present-day Sudan, was also under Egyptian rule during this era.



As the ancient Egyptian civilization neared its decline, the first Hasmonean Kingdom of the Jews emerged, albeit briefly, lasting less than 80 years. In 63 BCE, the formidable European Roman Empire seized control of Palestine (Canaan), eventually adopting Christianity as its state religion. This marked a period of Roman global influence that persisted until the arrival of Islam.


Palestinian refugees in Lebanon celebrate Hamas victory over Israel



With the advent of Islam, the revered Caliph Hazrat Omar bin Khattab, through a treaty with the Romans, took possession of Palestine, referred to as Betul Moqaddas, in the year 638 AD. Following this, the Muslim Abbasids (750-1258) and the Egyptian Fatimids held sway over vast regions spanning Asia, Africa, and Europe for an impressive five centuries.


However, a significant turning point occurred in 1031 AD when Muslim rule in Spain came to an end. In 1096 AD, the Frankish Crusaders seized control of Palestine, diminishing the reach of the Abbasid Muslim empire.



A pivotal figure in the history of the region, Salahuddin Ayyubi, born in Iraq in 1138 AD, rose to prominence. With roots in Armenia, he held a prominent position in the Egyptian Fatimid government. Following the demise of the Fatimid Sultan, he ascended to power, undertaking battles against the Crusaders in Iraq, Syria, and Tunisia. Salahuddin extended his dominion from Yemen, and in 1187 AD, after a span of 91 years since 1096 AD, Palestine was once again under Muslim rule.


This re-establishment of Muslim authority in 1187 AD marked the resurgence of Islamic influence, spreading from Central Asia to Europe and Africa. The Muslim Empire took root in India, beginning with the Slave Dynasty of Qutubuddin Aibak in 1206 AD and lasting through the Mughal Empire until 1857.



Following the reclamation of Palestine in 1187 AD, the Ottoman Empire was established in 1299 AD. This formidable empire held sway over Europe, Africa, and Asia for an astonishing 623 years.


In the aftermath of World War I, Britain assumed control of Palestine in 1917 AD, and the Ottoman Empire dissolved in 1922. Subsequently, the British Empire met its end in 1946 after World War II, leading to the establishment of Israel in 1948, with half of the land designated as Palestine.



A century and a half since 1878 AD, the Muslim world is undergoing profound transformations in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa, progress that would have seemed unimaginable a mere decade ago.


It is important to note that the full consequences of these shifts in the world order may take some time to become readily apparent once more.

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