Media Running ‘Campaign’ for Biden’s Coronavirus Response Campaign: Siege

Media Running 'Campaign' for Biden's Coronavirus Response Campaign: Siege

Media Running ‘Campaign’ for Biden’s Coronavirus Response Campaign: Siegel

Fox News medical provider Dr. Marc Siegel ripped the media off Tuesday by launching a “false information campaign” and holding President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on separate measures to deal with the coronavirus epidemic.

In “Fox & Friends,” Siegel said the media had taken a different approach and congratulated Biden, while Trump was repeatedly bombarded with COVID’s response to Biden’s seemingly self-imposed rule, rather than re-enactment.

“I have seen a big change. … With President Trump, it just seemed like he was a ‘great doctor’ and everything he said was held at the medical level,” Siegel said.
“Now the distortion is true, the president [Biden] has not been caught on a medical level or whatever, which he should not be, but there is also a campaign of misinformation emerging.”

Siegel said the problem with the media is that they have shown interest in infecting the virus and hiding health messages rather than talking about important new information needed by the community, such as clear, simple guidelines on what to do after getting vaccinated or the steps needed to reopen schools.

“If you see politicians defeating public health officials or making public officials, such as the head of the CDC or Dr Fauci, change their views based on politics, the public does not have the confidence it needs,” he added. .
Siegel added that the media in particular had not yet revealed significant revelations about the virus, such as a 77% reduction in cases over the past six weeks and recent data suggesting that South Africa’s diversity may not be as dangerous as previously reported.

“It’s almost as if the [Democrats] are using the epidemic to advance the political system, rather than responding to the scientific epidemic, which they have promised to do,” he said.
White House senior medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci postponed last week his denial of allegations that Biden’s management had “started over” with the release of the coronavirus vaccine.
This came after Deputy President Kala Harris revived the claim during an interview with Axios.

“There was no stock … of vaccines,” Harris told one of Axios’ founders, Mike Allen. “There was no national strategy or vaccination plan. We were leaving it to the provinces and local leaders to try to find it. And then in many ways, we start at the beginning of something that has been attacking for almost a year.”
Despite contradicting his comments last month, Fauci not only defended the vice president but also knocked out the Trump administration’s policy when asked about his views last week.
“What I think the vice-president is talking about, the actual plan to get vaccines in the hands of the people was not clear. I understand it was not a well-planned program,” Fauci told CNN.

Joseph A. Wulfsohn of Fox News contributed to the report.
Nikolas Lanum is a digital product assistant at Fox News.

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