Rukhsana Kausar ।। Who is the worst person in history?

Rukhsana Kausar ।। Who is the worst person in history?

Rukhsana Kausar ।। Who is the worst person in history?

Not in history, I name one of the worst ladies living now.
Rukhsana Kausar
He was 27 when three terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) stormed his house in a remote village in the state of Rajouri (Jammu and Kashmir) and began beating his family members mercilessly.
They beat his relatives because they refused to hand him over to them. Unable to catch himself, he opened fire with an ax and snatched the AKT 47 (Le Osama) captain’s shotgun and shot him dead. Pulling out another pistol he and his brother fired at the other soldiers, forcing them to flee. When this happened in 2009, he was only 20 years old.
Sent as a police officer in his hometown of Rajouri (Jammu and Kashmir), the recipient of the Kirti Chakra continues to be an example to many. He looks like this now.

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