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Incident of a new Muslim. When my son…..



A woman said: ”while I was praying, my little daughter came to me and called me over and over again, but I didn’t answer her of course because I was performing Salah.
Incident of a new Muslim. When my son.....

Her 6 years old brother came to her and told her: ”Shame on you!! How can you interrupt their dialogue!! Don’t you see that mom is talking to Allaah!!”

When I heard these words coming from my little son, I got chills throughout my body, I felt humiliation and shame of myself because I was unaware of the greatness of the One I am standing between His Hands! I was in the presence of the Creator of the heaven and the earth, talking to Him and yet I was rushing through my Salah.
The words of my little son moved me so much that I remembered them every time I made Takbeer to perform Salah!
Subhan Allaah! The One Who sends wise messages through children to remind the adults.
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