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How many months/years take British to take whole India in their own way?



How many months/years take British to take whole India in their own way?

How many months/years take British to take whole India in their own way?

How many British people have taken full control and control of India?
British work began in 1600 (the Royal Charter was awarded to the East India Company in London). Like the Mughals, they had never had full control of India. Many of their laws were announced only in the Presidential Cities (Madras, Calcutta, Bombay) and Delhi which they could not fully control. However, they have succeeded in brainwashing large parts of the indigenous community (eg Daalits, Draavids, Akalis, Star of India Sanaad, free Masons, army, Indian Narional Congress) or using indigenous locusts to navigate the country of their choice while sitting in their Presidential Cities, eating their pies, dipping their thumbs in this or that temple, pulling out a plum and saying how beautiful they are for the Crown of England. They proclaimed their rule in India using Dilli Durbar (not the Restaurant that serves the British Chicken Curry dinner) but the installation of George on the throne in place of Victoria. You could therefore risk 311 years to claim the title deed

However, the British Empire in India continues to be established through the Indian Constitution, Free Masonry, Justice, Indian National Congress and other remnants of continued attacks on Indian communities, religions and cultures to this day
Britishers first arrived in India in the early 1600s .. they came here for trade. But the Pallassey war, in 1757 brought corporate domination to India and continued until 1858, when, following the Indian Revolution in 1857, the Indian Government Act 1858 led to the British Crown directing Indian rule through the new British Raj.

No two answers are exactly alike. You go, buddies.
The first British trade agreement was in Surat in 1612 (no, there were no Freemasons hiding under the table), and the Crown replaced the British East India Company and began direct rule in 1857. That is 245 years.
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