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What is the definition of electricity?



SD24 News Network Network : Box of Knowledge
What is the definition of electricity?
Lightning can seem a mystery. In fact, there are things that are very difficult to learn the modern world of electronics. Those who read Electrical Engineering will tell you how challenging it is. To become an expert in this field requires years of study, mathematical thinking, mastery of parts, problem solving and systematic reading.

Professional electrician electricity to homes and businesses to securely, applying them to the satisfaction of the critical safety signals and learn to follow the wisdom of the more than a century.
It is also important in both cases to avoid molten stitches on your pants, but this is another story.
Although it takes time and effort to become an expert, electricity is not necessarily a scary thing for the general public. And supporting some of the most important elements of electricity are delicious. You can find out how much it costs to operate the device, how many devices you can plug into the outlet before the circuit breaker trips, and other real-world, practical concerns.
As mysterious things begin to make sense in the East, it is also a pleasure to understand this for its own sake. Mental images is convenient to conduct the electricity. Let’s do it right
Water similarity
Starts with the most important idea: the water in the pipes is a power chord. Electric carriers, called electrons, are able to move easily through a metal, such as water molecules, through the space inside the pipe. We say that metals are electrical conductors.

Plastic, glass and other materials, such as pipe walls act as air: they prevented electrons. We call these insulator-like materials. Under normal conditions that appear inside your home, the electric wire does not blow through the outside air. (Yes, the lightning moves from the air to the wind, but it is a serious situation. I will come back later, I promise that I will do.)
You have to use your ination han and the air is acting like a solid blocker and it’s like a solid metal blank space, it can go easy. I know this part looks backwards, but once you get past this truth, the rest is understandable.
The electrons are repelled each other very strongly. It is almost impossible to compress electrons at once – it tries to squeeze a gallon of water into a quartz jar. This means that the current flows only when electrons move in the same direction. If you force the electrons to one end of a wire, in order to make room for an equal number of electrons come out from the other end.
This current through the conductor is called current. Electric current is measured in amperes, often compressed to amps. If you have an electric current flowing in the pipe, the amps are like gallons per minute: they tell you how fast the flow is. At the moment, you don’t need to know what the amp means; It is a fixed number of electrons per second through any cross section of a conductor.

Another fundamental concept in the electricity world is voltage. Voltage is electrical pressure. In a water coupling system, pressure refers to how hard the water is. Water pressure is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), and electrical pressure in volts.
If you’ve ever been in the water, you know that the deeper you sink, the more pressure you have on your ears. If you go to the swimming pool they will suffer. Because with greater depth, you will gain more weight, which will be pressed inward on every surface of your body.
Water levels create a huge pressure on the water distributed in areas adjacent to the ground level. The longer the water column is inside the tower, the more pressure at the bottom of the tower.
Similarly, equipment such as batteries or generators generate electrical pressure or voltage in the conductor. Just as you can create more pressure by adding more height to the water column, you can create more voltage by connecting the battery end-to-end in a series connection.
For example, here is a picture I took to measure the voltage of a typical AA battery.
This AA battery generates a pressure of 1.617 volts.
Although the AA battery is labeled to provide 1.5 batteries, the measured voltage of this battery is 1.617 volts. This is the normal price for a fresh alkaline battery. As long as you use the battery, the voltage will decrease until your device is strong enough to operate.
Now look at what happens when I contact the positive end of an AA battery with the negative end of another, and measure the combined voltage:
Two AA batteries in the series produce 3.233 volts.
These two batteries in the series produce twice as much voltage or 3.233 volts. But you hooked them up so that two batteries can help push electrons in the same direction! If you don’t, here’s what happens:

The reciprocating batteries produce 1.9 mV = 0.0019 volts.
See the difference? This time the two positive terminals are connected, and the US voltage is 1.9 millivolts (mV) = 0.0019 volts, which is close to zero. The batteries are working on each other. If you install the battery backwards, it will show why the battery powered device does not work.
I mentioned above that metal electrons flow easily through them, but the air (again, under normal domestic conditions) prevents electrons from flowing through it.
There is no simple black or white answer to whether a substance is a conductor or insulator. There are actually shades of gray. Some things, such as water, graphite and the human body, manage electricity between air and metal very easily.
The difficulty of pushing electrons through an object is called the resistance of that object. The unit of electrical resistance is Ohm. If you apply a pressure of 1 volt to an object, and it causes the current of 1 amp, then the object is 1 ohm resistant.
If another object requires 10 volts to push a 1 amp current through it, the other object has a resistance of 10 volts – which is more resistant because it is difficult to create uniform current.
The resistance in ohms is calculated based on the number of applications, divided by the current. In other words, voltage current equals time resistance. Good conductors have very low resistivity (fraction of one ohm), and insulator is highly resistant (billions of ohms).
Power and power
In everyday speech, the words power and power are more or less synonymous. But in the more precise language of physics, they have different meanings.
Energy refers to the amount of energy that can be used to do physical work. For example, three flights of stairs take some energy to lift 40 pounds of groceries. Another example of power when you want to warm up. It takes some energy to heat a cup of water from room temperature to boiling point.
Energy is measured in joules. To get a feel for the power of this unit, it would take about 1,700 joules of 350 ML of water to boil up to 40 pounds and 350,000 Joules of water up to three storeys (about 32 feet).

Energy means the amount of energy per unit time. It shows how fast you are distributing or using energy. For example, if a person can carry 40 pounds of groceries, then three stair planes are twice as fast as another person’s, and we say that the first person’s muscles supply twice as much electricity as a half person grocery.
To explain the difference, the difference between force and force is the difference between the greatest difference and the speed. Energy is the force divided by time, speed divided by time. Both a plane and a bicycle can travel 10 miles, but the airplane moves at 500 mph compared to a 15 mph bicycle.
Energy is measured in watts. One watt is defined as a joule per second. For example, if your microwave oven can boil in that cup for 2 minutes, it will be divided by at least 120,000 joules for 120 seconds = 1,000 watts.
Related to voltage, current and power
Now that we’ve covered all the basic units needed to understand electricity, things have become even more interesting. Let’s talk about the connection between voltage, current and power. For example, if you are running my microwave oven, you might ask, and it uses 1,000 watts of electricity, how much current does it run in the microwave oven?
It turns out that there is a simple relationship: in any electrical device, no matter how simple or complex, the voltage (in volts) is equal to the current (in amps) and power (in watts). A residential store in the United States offers 120 volts. Knowing that multiplying 120 volts by an unknown current is equal to 1,000 watts, we can divide 1,000 volts by 120 volts and find that the current is approximately 8.3 amp.
Not that trip breaker!
Let’s take a further example. We know that the microwave oven currently receives 8.3 amps from the outlet, and we may be surprised at how many of these microwave ovens are available at the same time 
What about electricity?
I promised to come back to explain how electricity moves through the air, I said it was an insulator. Remember when I said the insulator was like pipe walls? Well, every pipe has its limits. If you live in a cold enough climate, you may have encountered frozen pipes at least once in your life. The water expands as it accumulates in the pipe. And if there is no water, this expansion creates a large amount of pressure that can break the pipe.
The same goes for the case of an insulator like air. With thunderstorms, millions of volts of pressure are generated between the stratosphere and the ground. When the voltage between the atmosphere and the Earth is strong enough, it will rip the electrons out of the nitrogen and oxygen atoms of the atmosphere and start igniting them.
These flying electrons can also hit and drop electrons in other gas molecules. There is an avalanche of electrons in microseconds that move rapidly through the zigzag path between the sky and the earth, turning the air into a highly conductive plasma.
The white-hot arc suddenly has loose electrons flying at high speeds, and the electric bolt handles electricity well enough to exist. This allows for more flow. The current huge surge quickly destroys the voltage created. As soon as the electrical pressure is relieved, the current stops, the air cools rapidly and it goes back into the insulator.
A solid start
Now you have a good basic understanding of some important electrical components. You understand the difference between voltage and current and the difference between power and power. You can calculate how much electricity a device uses from the current flowing through it, or vice versa. And you can estimate the cost of using a tool.
If you are interested in electricity and electronics, there is a lot to learn. The topics covered here can help you get started. Or this answer gave you all the information at the time. Either way, I hope you enjoyed the trip, more than that, the lightning now feels a little less mysterious.

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