India is the 4th largest importer of in World
According to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India’s fifteen largest trading partners accounted for 59.37% of India’s total trade during the financial years 1951–1952. These figures include goods and commodities trade, but do not include services or foreign direct investment.
The two largest commodities traded in India are mineral fuel (refined / unrefined) and gold (finished goldware / gold metal). In 2013-14, fossil fuels (HS Code 27) were the largest re-exported commodity worth $ 64.685 billion. Imports and refining $ 181.383 billion. In the year 2013-14, [Gold Regulation Act | Gold and its finished goods] (HS Code 71) is the second largest trading commodity after adding value with imports worth $ 58.465 billion and re-exports worth $ 41.692 billion. These two commodities accounted for 53% of total imports, 34% of total exports and almost 100% of India’s total trade deficit (US $ 136 billion) in the 2013-14 financial year. The trade in services (exports and imports) led to the trade in goods. Not part of. The trade surplus in the services sector was US $ 70 billion in 2017-18.
Considering the European Union as one, the WTO ranks India fifth in trade services exports and sixth in trade service imports.
The two main destinations for exported Indian goods are the European Union market and the United States, the two major markets China and the European Union According to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India’s fifteen largest trading partners are 59.37%. Represent. India’s total trade during the 2015-2016 financial year. These figures include goods and commodities trade, but do not include services or foreign direct investment.
Largest trading partner with India
India’s largest trading partners with their total trade (total imports and exports) in the billion dollars for the financial year 2019-20 are as follows
Countries where India is the largest trading partner
India is the primary export or import partner of many countries. These tables are based on percentages for 2017, as shown in the CIA World Factbook.
Export Partner
India exports 7500 items to about 192 countries. The following table shows India’s 10 largest destinations for exports in 2019-2020.
Import Partner
India imports 6000 items from 140 countries. The following table shows the 10 largest sources of India’s imports in 2019-2020