Meet our new muslim sister Anna Farhan from Japan
Meet our new muslim sister from Japan My Name: Anna Farhan, Nationality: Japan Age: 25 Previous religion: Shinto mixed Buddhism I’ve started being interested in Islam since 2012 after becoming […]
Meet our new muslim sister from Japan My Name: Anna Farhan, Nationality: Japan Age: 25 Previous religion: Shinto mixed Buddhism I’ve started being interested in Islam since 2012 after becoming […]
Joint statement by Muslim leaders for withdrawal of FIR against Dr Zafarul Islam Khan New Delhi, 08 May 2020: Prominent Muslim leaders have issued a joint statement for condemning the […]
Covid 19 Spreading up Quickly In India March 05. 30 Cases March15. 114 Cases March 25. 657 Cases March 31. 1397Cases April 05. 4289 Cases April 10. 7600. Cases April […]
Excerpts from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on February 17, 2015 — My government will ensure that there is complete freedom of faith and that everyone has the undeniable right […]
Minority Commission Chairman Zafarul Islam has been booked for sedition and other sections Zafarul Islam is the chairman of the Delhi State Minorities Commission. There is also a section 124A […]
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO.9093 OF 2013 (Arising out of SLP (Civil) No. 13735 of 2012) Dr. Subramanian Swamy …. Appellant(s) Versus Election […]